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EIA updates short-term bioenergy forecasts

July.10 Biomass

U.S. Energy Information Administration

The U.S. Energy Infrastructure Administration has released the June edition of Short-Term Energy Outlook, predicting nonhydropower renewables will provide 9 percent of U.S. electricity generation in 2017, increasing to nearly 10 percent in 2018.

Wood biomass is expected to be used to generate 112,000 MWh per day this year, falling to 111,000 MWh per day next year. Waste biomass is currently expected to be used to generate 59,000 MWh per day in 2017, increasing to 60,000 MWh per day in 2018.

The electric power sector is expected to consume 0.227 quadrillion Btus (quad) of wood biomass this year, falling to 0.224 quad next year. Waste biomass consumption is expected to reach 0.286 quad this year, increasing to 0.289 quad next year.

The industrial sector is expected to consume 1.26 quad of wood biomass in 2017, falling to 1.239 quad in 2018. The sector is also expected to consume 0.197 quad of waste biomass this year, falling to 0.196 quad next year.

The commercial sector is expected to consume 0.075 quad of wood biomass both this year and next year, with waste biomass consumption falling from 0.049 quad in 2017 to 0.048 quad in 2018.

According to the EIA, the residential sector is expected to consume 0.392 quad of wood biomass this year, increasing to 0.413 quad in 2018.