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  • 2017.09.01

    Merger will form world’s largest power enterprise

    Merger will form world’s largest power enterprise | CKIC

    CHINA’S largest coal miner China Shenhua Energy Co will merge with power giant China Guodian Corp to create the world’s largest power group, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission said yesterday. The merger has been approved by the State Council and the merged entity will be renamed as the State ...
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  • 2017.07.31

    Solar has not beaten coal in the race to electrify India

    Solar has not beaten coal in the race to electrify India | CKIC

    India’s future is still tied to coal and fixing woeful inefficiency of plants will create huge new generation at a price solar cannot match India's domestic coal mining has been steadily increasing. Jharia coal mine, Jharkhand state, India. (Photo: TripodStories-AB) By Aditi Roy Ghatak Those ready to crown solar ener...
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  • 2017.07.28

    China Pushes Coal-Fired Power Plants Abroad

    China Pushes Coal-Fired Power Plants Abroad | CKIC

    As China scales back plans to build new coal-fired power plants for its domestic market, it is adding dozens more to the world total with similar projects abroad, environmental monitors say. The building binge of overseas projects threatens to offset the environmental benefits from curbing expansion of coal power at home, acc...
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  • 2017.07.26

    China June coal imports from Mongolia, Russia rise

    China June coal imports from Mongolia, Russia rise | CKIC

    BEIJING, July 24 (Reuters) - China's coal imports from Mongolia and Russia rose in June as utilities and steel mills sought out less expensive raw materials even as the government tried to curb purchases of foreign fuel. Coal-fired power demand rose last month during a prolonged heat wave in northern China at the start of th...
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  • 2017.07.19

    New Hampshire law benefits biomass power production

    New Hampshire law benefits biomass power production | CKIC

    In New Hampshire, a new law is expected to benefit the state’s biomass power producers by increasing the price of alternative compliance payments (ACPs) for Class III sources. It also changes the eligibility standard for landfill gas energy under the state’s renewable portfolio standard (RPS), and includes a variety of other...
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  • 2017.07.17

    Mongolia plans to export 30 million tons of coking coal in 2017

    Mongolia plans to export 30 million tons of coking coal in 2017 | CKIC

    In a recent meeting, Ms. Oyundelger, a senior expert from Mongolian ETT, said Mongolia planned to export 30 million tons of coking coal in 2017. Mongolia, abundant with coal resources, is the world’s 15th largest coal producer. It owns 15 major coalfields, in which 173.3 billion tons of coal resources have been detected, an...
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